Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Questionnaire of Blog!

I made a questionnaire of blogs. The questions are all writeen in blue color and the answers are pinks!

1. How long did you take to write one topic?
a. less than 10 min.
b. 10~30 min.
c. 30~60 min.
d. more than 60 min.
[c×4, d×1]
2. How many friends' link do you have?
a. 1~2
b. 3~5
c. 6~9
d. more than 10
[c×2, d×3]

3. How often do you make your blog?
a. more than once in a week
b. more than once in a month
c. less than a & b
[a×1, b×4]

4. Have you ever made your original blog?
a. Yes
b. No
[a×2, b×3]
5. What is your best topic in your blog?
*Summer vacation
*Autumn festival

6. About how many links do you have in one topic?

7. Do you search the Internet in Japanese?
a. Yes, always
b. Quite often
c. Sometimes
d. Hardly ever
e. Never
[ a×3, c×2]

8. What kind of blog do you like?
a. Cute design blogs
b. Simple and easy to see
c. Be written in easy English
[a×3, b×2]

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Part 2 of Blog Ranking!

In here I want to introduce my 3 favorite blogs of other class. There were many cute design and interesting information blogs. the 3 blogs that I chose was the bests for me. You must visit them ;)

*3rd place!*

My Life by ayaka

Her blog is pretty simple but cute design. There is a lot of pictures and the information is really interestings. I just like the atmospher of this blog.

*2nd place!*


This blog is a very simple design but full of iteresting informations. It was easy to understand and see.

*1st place!*

Joy :-p by :-D!Miki

This blog is very coloful but it isn't difficult see, and the pictures are nice and cute. She has a sense of beauty.

Those are the 3 of my favorite blogs. You must visit them!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

3 Best Blog Ranking!

The semester is almost finishing so today I chose 3 best blogs of my class. Almost all blogs are easy to read and had interesting articles so it was difficult to chose just 3 blogs.

*3rd place*
Killifish Days by Marine
She wrote enogh and had many links. Her articles are easy to read and I like her article of movie. Also there are not so many pictures so maybe she must put some pictures.

*2nd place*
Frisking Around by Melissa
Her blog is pretty simple so I like it. The layout is clear and she has a lot of friends's links. I also like reading her article 'cause it's interesting. There are so many things that I didn't know.

*1st place*
NEAT NITWIT by mamisira
Her blog is the most interesiting one for me. She has so many pictures and links. The other good point is her article is always clear. There are few colors so I like in that way too.

This is what I chose. I want to learn something from these people's blog!

Speech About Netball!

I’m going to talk about Netball. Netball is not well known in Japan but it’s a one the of famous sports in New Zealand. The game is a little bit complicated so I’ll explain briefly. Netball is very similar to the basketball. The decisive difference is that Netball doesn’t dribble the ball so in that way it is similar to handball too. The game plays with 7 people and there are 6 positions. The players have their own roles and they can move the places that be decided by the rule. Therefore only Goal Shooter and Goal Attack can shoot the ball. The players can’t have ball more than 3 seconds and also players can’t touch a player who has the ball in that moment. The way to get the points is just same as the basketball.

A representative Netball player’s team of NZ is Silver Ferns. They won the 1st place in Netball World Championships 4 times. Also in the Commonwealth Games they won 1st place in 2006. This game is basically for women so the team is made up of all women and a very strong team in the NZ.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

New Zealand's Sport

One of the famous sports of New Zealand is Netball. It is an unfamiliar sport for Japanese. However, Netball is kind of basketball and it’s usually for women. I’m going to explain the rules of Netball.
It is almost same as basketball and almost same place. But the game is a little bit complicated. The main feature of this game is:
*Can’t dribble
*The players have there own part and the moving places
*The basic movement is just pass and shoot the ball
*Can’t touch to the player who has the ball and make distance (more than 90cm) from them
*It can change the size of ball and time of the game depend on the player’s ages

There are about 6 positions:
*GS (Goal Shooter): the person who can shoot the ball.
*GA (Goal Attack): this is also shooter too but this person can move more widely than GS
*WA (Wing Attack): in the basketball word, the person is Offence
*C (Center): the most important person for the team and this is called commander
*WD (Wing Defense): this person could be the both Offence and Defense
*GD (Goal Defense): Defense only, opposite to the WA
*GK (Goal Keeper): the same position as the soccer game, this is the most important for the defense

The team member is usually 12 but the 7 of them can play the game and there’s no member change during the game. In the rest time or half time or the player injured, they could change the players. The players have to pass the ball within the 3 second or they lost there ball. The way to get the point is just same as the basketball! BUT if some player except GS or CA shoots the ball it can’t count for the point. This is the easy explanation of this game;) This is usually for women but now a day men joining to play the game.

A representative Netball player’s team of NZ is Silver Ferns. They won the 1st place in Netball World Championships in 1967, 1979, 1987 and 2003. Also in the Commonwealth Games they won 1st place in 2006. This team made up of all women and a very strong team in the NZ.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Speech of the Day of the Dead

The festival we going to present is about the day of the dead. This festival is held on 1st and 2nd of November in Mexico and people celebrate their own ancestors who are returning to this world. It is a kind of bon festival of Japan. And also recently some people think it’s a continuation of Halloween. On the 1st day children’s ghost comes back and then the 2nd day the adults returns. The way of the celebration depends on the family but almost all people enjoy the day. The citizens decorate their house, school, work place and even whole the city. Mexican people love showy colors and the decoration is mainly about the scull, and of course it’s made with various colors so the cities dye full of colors in that season. Then please listen more information about this festival.

I have been to this festival and my friend’s family celebrated this festival in their grave and ate lunch there. It’s a kind of wired thing but I think it is important to love our own family, and these thinking may be positive and flexible to any kind of incident! It’s unusual to participate to this festival but if you could, enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Autumn Festival

Do you know the “Day of the Dead” festival?? This festival takes place in Mexico every year in 1st and 2nd of November. Some people think it is continuation of Halloween.

Day of the Dead is as you can understand the word. In this day we observe to meet our own ancestors, so it is not scare day. It is different from Halloween but it seems like Bon festival of Japan.

Day of the Dead, in Spanish called “Dia de los muertos”. Dia means Day and los muertos means dead. As said this festival takes place in 1st and 2nd of November. In first day came back children’s ghost and then the second day came back adults.
In about before 1 week of this festival people decollate the whole city with skull that made of sugar and decorations of skulls. The skulls don’t have scare faces; they all have fanny and happy faces. It is so cute and colorful. Mexico loves showy colors so in this season, the cities become plenty of color and it is so beautiful and also they make alter in their houses or in the school for the dead.

By the way, there are some different customs for observe the Day of the Dead each town in Mexico, but in the town where I was, people went to their ancestor’s grave and eat lunch or dinner there! (With their grandpa or grandma ;) )

For the interest… “Trick or Treat!” in Spanish is “Noche de brujas, Halloween! (Witch’s night, Halloween!)”
If you want see the alter of my graduated junior high school's alter, check here!
Click the United San Agustin, Actividades, General and then click Alter de Muertos ;)